Finnish beverage producer Nokian Panimo chooses Inmec Brix Sensors

Inmec Brix Sensors offer proven advantages in beverage production. Nokian Panimo, a Finnish beverage company realized significant benefits after installing an Inmec P2TC Brix sensor in its production line for carbonated soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. The Inmec Brix sensor was installed before the packaging line to ensure rapid product changeover and high quality of the final product.

“Our product changeover waste in beverage production has been reduced by several hundred litres per changeover period. When the process is controlled by accurate Brix measurement, we also get a higher yield with optimized recipe management”, says Production Manager Vesa Peltola from Nokian Panimo.

 Production manager Vesa Peltola next to the Inmec Gateway unit

 Inmec PT2C Sensor at the canning line


The Inmec sensor used at Nokian Panimo is highly stable, accurate and applicable to a wide range of beverage products. An optional Gateway unit offers additional benefits such as product-specific settings, real-time measurement graphs, data collection and remote services.

“The start-up of the sensor was easy and technical support was always available via the Gateway's remote connection”, Peltola continues.

Nokian Panimo has a large variety of beverage products, so each product has predefined parameters, including considerations for alcohol content and °Bx alarm limits. Before the production run, the line operator selects the product to be processed on the control screen, ensuring accurate and reliable Brix measurement for each separate product.

Further explore the benefits of using Inmec Sensors in beverage manufacturing by reviewing our application note or simply by getting in touch with us using the contact form below.

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